Shenango Valley, PA


Base Plan

227/mo For Beginners
  • Starter Website (3 Pages)
  • 18 month minimum
  • 1 Revision
    1 hour monthly maintenance

    Hosting Included
Most Popular

Entrepreneur Plan

319/mo For Advanced
  • Fully Customized (5-10 Pages)
  • 18 month minimum

    3 Revisions

    2-3 Hours of monthly Maintenance

  • Hosting included

    Monthly Analytics reports

    25 % off of additional services

Ecommerce Plan

450 + /mo For Pro
  • Full customized 10+ pages
  • 24 month minimum
  • 5 revisions
  • Up to 5 hours monthly maintenance

    Hosting Included

    Monthly Analytics Reports

    35 % Off of additional services

* Ecommerce plan is subject to custom pricing. This is set by the scope of the project

** Maintenance plan includes maintenance and sit updates along with minor changes(For example an image change) If requested changes exceed the allowed hours of maintenance then the remaining work will be billed on a per hour basis

*** Additional Services discount applies to any additional work, or additional software needed. Such as a phone application that supports the business

**** Additional services does not carry over across separate business entities. If you have multiple business needs then contact us for a custom quote